UPDATE: Our Kids Don’t Have Recess

Fundraising Ideas

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A while ago, you learned about Stephanie Beaudoin’s mission: to give sure the students at The Education Cooperative recess. Stephanie and her team  used Qgiv’s peer-to-peer fundraising platform to put on their first p2p event… and they had some pretty astounding results.

When we wrote the last update, The Education Cooperative had raised more than $7,000 — more than $2,000 more than their original goal. The organization raised more than $12,000!

The Education Cooperative’s supporters went above and beyond to make sure the students had a playground that is accessible to everybody. Here’s an update from Stephanie:

The playground is built! It was a whirlwind at the end of the school year, but it’s open for our students! It opened just in time for our summer program and they played on it every day! It’s amazing. I can hear the drum panel from my office, and I often get up and peek out the window… We surpassed our overall fundraising goal right at the end and we were able to install a sensory garden this summer to enhance the playspace.

Check out these pictures of the kids on the playground!

Stephanie credits these three elements to their success:

  • The Education Cooperative had a great story
  • They had a base of committed supporters so they could hit the ground running
  • They had a great fundraising platform (Stephanie said, “We would not have met our goals and built the playground without your super easy-to-use site!)

Stephanie and the staff at The Education Cooperative did an amazing job with their first peer-to-peer fundraiser. If you’re interested in learning about our peer-to-peer fundraising platform, let us know! We want to see you succeed just like Stephanie did.

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