Bright Ideas: About Bridging

Fundraising Ideas

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Imagine getting an email from a friend asking you to support their fundraising efforts. You click the link they provided and land on an organization’s donation form or peer-to-peer event… but you can’t find ANYTHING about the organization, their mission, or even a link to their website. How likely are you to support something you know nothing about? Maybe the friend provided a little information, but it’s up to your organization to let visitors to your donation form or peer-to-peer event know why they should donate. They need to make an emotional connection and know if their values align with your mission before they can feel comfortable supporting you.

Bridging, a Minnesota organization providing donated furniture and household goods to families and individuals transitioning out of homelessness and poverty, did an excellent job of telling peer-to-peer participants and donors not only their story, but touching stories of individuals impacted by the organization’s work.

When you click the “About Bridging” tab in the navigation bar on their 2018 Subway Bedrace for Bridging peer-to-peer event page, you’re taken to a page dedicated to Bridging’s mission that’s chock full of compelling reasons to make a donation—and it’s almost all done in story form.

On the page, they start off with a great video featuring Bridging’s founder, Fran Heitzman (you need to watch the video just to see how much he LOVES his job), and many of their volunteers and clients. They also have a short, concise section telling page visitors about the organization. They also include “The Lives We Touch” videos that focus on the stories of three individuals. Donors are twice as likely to give when they see/hear a story about a single person who has been impacted, and according to a Google survey, 57% of people who watch a nonprofit’s video will go on to make a donation. Including powerful individual stories told in video form is a seriously bright idea!

Take a look at their page below. We’ve also included links to the videos:

Bridging’s Story

Quay’s Story

Christin’s Story

Shereese’s Story

Take a page from Bridging’s book and be sure you tell potential donors about your mission and impact! If you’re a Qgiv client looking to set up something similar in your peer-to-peer event, send us an email at and we’d be happy to help!

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