X Recap: #AFPFC Boston

Fundraising Ideas

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The really beautiful thing about fundraising conferences these days is that everyone tweets about them. Even if you couldn’t make it to Boston for this year’s AFP conference, you can still check out the action on X, including these 10 tweets. These are just from one day — X was exploding with fundraising wisdom!

Takeaway: did you know that a huge portion of the overall nonprofit industry’s revenue comes from mid-level donors? It’s true — and you should be measuring the metrics in the photo (and others!) to make sure that your mid-level donors are staying engaged.

Takeaway: caring for your donors will result in greater gifts… but you should take care that your cultivation of donors is done with donor retention in mind, not a barrage of additional asks. The gift is secondary to the donor.

Takeaway: If you don’t have the resources to accommodate phone, email, direct mail, and social media communications, don’t give all of them as options for your donor. By all means, give your donors options for the ways they talk with you. But be sure you can follow up on your end of the bargain. Doing otherwise just makes you look bad.

Takeaway: We all know it’s more effective to retain donors than to try to find all new ones. But many nonprofit don’t measure their donors’ satisfaction… the one major indicator of whether or not a donor will support them in the future. It’s a metric that needs to stay top of mind.

Takeaway: How do you keep donor engaged with your organization between their first gift and the next gift they (hopefully) make in the future? Give them a job! Ask them to volunteer, to spread the word, to watch a video, to subscribe to a blog… anything that will make them feel involved and valued!

Takeaway: Trying to build a monthly giving program? Don’t forget to ask the people who are already supporting you in other ways. Your staff, board, and volunteers love you enough to support you with their time; chances are good that they’re willing to support you with their donations, too.

Takeaway: If you’re dreaming of building a base of sustaining donors, don’t fall prey to the mindset that a donor will stay with you forever once they set up a recurring gift. They can automate their gifts, but you can’t automate the gratitude you should be showing them — put the same effort into stewarding them as you put into stewarding your other donors.

Takeaway: The work isn’t done when you get the gift — getting the gift means that your work has just begun. Stewarding and cultivating your donors is a lot of work, but the support and the relationships are worth it.

Takeaway: Nonprofits often seem to struggle between knowing that Millennial donors are important and knowing that, right now, mature and baby-boomer donors account for more fundraising revenue. What they don’t often consider is that, even though Millennials don’t control a majority of disposable income, they do have amazing social influence… and that can be just as valuable.

Takeaway: The number one way to keep your donors retain your donors and keep them engaged is to remind them that you know them. Make them feel like insiders, like partners in your mission, and like valued friends by showing them that you really understand them. Communicate with them based on their giving histories, the programs they love and support, and their history of involvement with your organization. The footwork might take a little extra time, but the payoff will be unreal.

Takeaway: When you’re make appeals, remember that statistics are okay but individual stories are more powerful. Talking about thousands of individuals who are victims to human traffickers makes less of an impact than the story of one victim and her life; it’s hard to relate to statistics, but it’s easy to relate to a story. Write your marketing materials accordingly!

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