3 Steps to Double Online Donations

Fundraising by Type

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One of the best parts of working with nonprofits is watching them grow and succeed. We get to work with nonprofits that are discovering that minor changes have a huge impact on the amount of money they raise online. Qgiv clients generally earn more donations (and larger donations, to boot!) than the average nonprofit. Here are a few lessons you can learn from them.

1. Put Donation Information at The Top of Your Form

One of our clients made what seemed to be a very small tweak to their donation form — they set the donation options at the top of the page and placed the payment information fields below. Their small adjustment made a huge difference; they saw an immediate drop in donor turnover. More and more people visited the donation page and finished their gift instead of clicking away — but why?

Placing the donation information at the top of the page cements the donor’s decision to give right away. It makes entering the more tedious payment and billing information a formality instead of a deterrent. Whatever the reason, this is one easy adjustment that will help you double online donations.

2. Make It Inviting

Imagine you’re a donor that’s just finished perusing your website. You’ve seen beautiful photos, read compelling stories, grown passionate about the cause, decided to donate, and…

…got dropped into a cold, sterile-looking donation form. Ugh!

Keeping your donation page as inviting and compelling as your website is an important part of maintaining the excitement that inspires a donor to give. Be sure your site’s branding, photos, navigation items, and style are applied to your donation page; donors will be much more likely to make a gift.

3. Keep It Simple

The secret to raising more money on your donation form is to keep the process as quick and easy as possible. The more complicated, time-consuming, and difficult it is to make a gift, the less likely donors are to complete their gift. That means that nonprofits have to walk a fine line; they have to balance the restriction options and custom fields they want and turning away donors with a long, complex form.

At Qgiv, most of our clients have the best success with a handful of restriction options and as few additional fields as possible. We’ve noticed that donations drop off quickly after donors encounter more than two additional required fields. Less is more — especially on your donation form!

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